Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dorothy Crispino (1916-2014)

Dorothy Crispino, aged 98, has departed to be with Christ, which far better (Philippians 1:23). My condolences to her family and friends.

[Above: "Special Update from The Shroud of Turin Website" advising of Dorothy Crispino's death on 16 August 2014.]

I had a brief email correspondence with Dorothy in 2007-08 regarding me buying back issues of Shroud Spectrum International. There were problems back then of transferring money from Australia to Italy where she lived, so Dorothy suggested that I pay for the issues by sending her an Australian art catalog, which I did and which she much appreciated:

"The collection of Aboriginal art was a revelation; such beauty of colors and design! Why do you keep these treasures Down Under? Perhaps they are exhibited sometimes in England, but I’m sure in Italy they are unknown."

But by far my greatest involvement with Dorothy, albeit indirectly, which is still ongoing, is my scanning and word-processing issues of her Shroud Spectrum International, from #1 (1981) to #42 (1993), and a Special 2002 issue [completed in February 2015]. That requires me reading every word of every issue twice. And since Dorothy often wrote articles herself, I had long become an admirer of her high intelligence, her extensive vocabulary, and above all her love and devotion to the Man on the Shroud, the Lord Jesus Christ.

As stated on Shroud Spectrum International's main page, Dorothy gave her informed consent to the project of Barrie Schwortz, Ian Wilson and myself putting its issues online:

"Anthony also brought me up to date on Dorothy's condition. Sadly, her vision has completely failed so she is no longer able to live on her own or answer e-mails and she now resides in an assisted living home. However, as Anthony put it, "aside from that, she is doing well for a 96 year old," so he was still able to discuss my request with her in detail. I am very proud to include here an excerpt from the kind response we received from Dorothy and Anthony a few days later:
"My mother will be happy to have you scan the issues of Shroud Spectrum International as long as your scanned version makes it clear that the material is being reproduced with her consent as holder of the copyright. Personally, I owe my thanks to you for placing her research on the internet; this ensures that it will never be lost and be of benefit to scholars today and into the future."
so I am very pleased I was able to be part of bringing her that happiness in her declining years.

Rest in peace Dorothy, I look forward to meeting you in Heaven where we can talk about Shroud Spectrum International and the Shroud endlessly!

As Dorothy's emails usually ended,

"In fraternitate Sindonis, Dorothy."

Posted: 27 August 2014. Updated:17 May 2019.


  1. "Rest in peace Dorothy, I look forward to meeting you in Heaven where we can talk about Shroud Spectrum International and the Shroud endlessly!"

    Good luck.

  2. Anonymous

    >>"Rest in peace Dorothy, I look forward to meeting you in Heaven where we can talk about Shroud Spectrum International and the Shroud endlessly!"

    >Good luck.

    Thanks, but I don't need luck.

    The evidence is OVERWHELMING that the Man on the Shroud is Jesus, i.e. the image of His body at the instant of His resurrection:

    "Even from the limited available information, a hypothetical glimpse of the power operating at the moment of creation of the Shroud's image may be ventured. In the darkness of the Jerusalem tomb the dead body of Jesus lay, unwashed, covered in blood, on a stone slab. Suddenly, there is a burst of mysterious power from it. In that instant the blood dematerializes, dissolved perhaps by the flash, while its image and that of the body becomes indelibly fused onto the cloth, preserving for posterity a literal "snapshot" of the Resurrection. (Wilson, I., 1979, "The Shroud of Turin: The Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ?," p.251).

    And Jesus promised all who believe in Him that:

    "2 In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also." (John 14:2-3).

    So Dorothy and I (and indeed all Christians) will be living together with Jesus in His "Father's house" (a metaphor for Heaven) for all eternity.

    But whether we will bother talking about Shroud Spectrum International and the Shroud is another matter!

    The bottom line for me is what St. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 2:9:

    "But, as it is written, `What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him'."

    That is, Heaven is going to be far better than I (or anyone) can imagine.

    It is like a grub in its cocoon trying to imagine what it will be like when it becomes a butterfly.

    Or a foetus in the womb imagining what it be like when it is born.

    Stephen E. Jones
    Reader, if you like this my The Shroud of Turin blog, and you have a website, could you please consider adding a hyperlink to my blog on it? This would help increase its Google PageRank number and so enable those who are Google searching on "the Shroud of Turin" to more readily discover my blog. Thanks.

  3. Hi Stephen,
    I know that your website concerns mainly the Shroud
    of Turin, but there was much talk concerning Noah's ark recently because of an expensive U.S movie based on it, and I wanted to ask you your opinion concerning the Ark.
    Do you think that it's a legend or it really existed ? How could so many species get into this ark ? And what about the marine species ? How could Saltwater fish could not have survived in fresh or less salty water for example. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinion concerning the Ark.
    Take care

  4. Patrick

    >Hi Stephen,
    I know that your website concerns mainly the Shroud
    of Turin,

    It does, so Noah's Ark is definitely off-topic on this blog.

    However, I wrote posts on Noah's Ark on my now inactive blog, CreationEvolutionDesign (CED). For example, see my post, "Re: does the text of Noah's Flood, not require us to believe that all humanity was wiped away?"

    >but there was much talk concerning Noah's ark recently because of an expensive U.S movie based on it,

    I have heard of that movie but I don't intend seeing it. These days my movie-going consists of me taking my two grandsons aged 7 and 5 to such epics as, "Turbo" (the snail), "Cloudy with Meatballs 2" and "The Lego Movie"!

    >and I wanted to ask you your opinion concerning the Ark.
    Do you think that it's a legend or it really existed ?

    Both. See also my post, "Re: What is your view of the Noahacian flood? #1," where I use the phrase, "real history, expressed in symbolic form". If you Google on that phrase, e.g. "Jones" "Noah" "real history" "symbolic form" (without the quotes) you should find a lot of my old posts on CED which argued for my position.

    >How could so many species get into this ark ? And what about the marine species ? How could Saltwater fish could not have survived in fresh or less salty water for example.

    See my CED posts. My position is that the Flood was regional, to the known world of Noah. But I believe there really was a Noah, an Ark and a Flood, because Jesus (who was God incarnate) did:

    Mt 24:38 (& Lk 17:27): "For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark ..."

    But I am not prepared to debate that on this blog, or even back on my CED blog. I have moved on from debating Creation/Evolution/Design.

    I find the Shroud of Turin far more interesting and satisfying, and it soaks up most of my spare time.

    >Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinion concerning the Ark.
    Take care

    Thanks. If you want a scholarly defence of a real Noah, Ark and Flood, but taking into account scientific and Biblical facts, I recommend Bernard Ramm's "A Christian View of Science and Scripture" (1954).

    Stephen E. Jones
