Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Shroud of Turin: Burial sheet of Jesus!: #9 The man has wounds and bloodstains matching the Gospels' description of the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ

This is part #9 "Has wounds and bloodstains matching the Gospels' description of the death and burial of Jesus Christ." which is part of my series, "Shroud of Turin: Burial sheet of Jesus!." The series is based on a PowerPoint presentation that I am preparing. The previous post in this series was part #8 "Bears the faint image, front and back, head to head, of a naked man." For more information about this series, see parts #1 "Title Page" and #2 "Contents".

[Click on the above image to enlarge it.]

Here are some quotes, in date order (earliest first), referencing the above points:

"What Is the Turin Shroud? In the summer of 1978 three million tourists visited Torino (Turin), Italy. They had come from all over the world to wait in line and to look upon a linen cloth which had been in Turin for more than four hundred years. They knew that the cloth had not been shown to the general public for almost fifty years and that this would likely be its only display in their lifetime. As they entered the cathedral of St. John the Baptist they could see a large, narrow cloth measuring 14.3 feet long by 3.5 feet wide. It was flood-lit and was mounted in front of the main altar at the far end of the church. Gradually, as they neared the altar, they began to notice on the cloth an extremely faint, reddish-colored, life-sized image of a bearded man. The man looked strikingly like traditional images of Jesus Christ. Indeed, the cloth known as the Shroud of Turin is thought by many people to be the actual burial wrapping of Jesus. Both the front and the back of the body can be seen on the cloth. From either end the figure appears feet-head, head-feet. This tells us that he may have been placed on one half of the cloth. The other half would then have been pulled over the front of the body. There are stains on the body that resemble blood stains from an ancient Roman scourging and crucifixion with nails. On the front, there are trickles of blood on the man's forehead, a large stain on his right side, and stains from a wound in one wrist. (The other hand cannot be seen.) Both arms show blood runoffs from the hands to the elbows. On the back can be counted about 120 small stains which conform to the shape of a Roman whip. More blood trickles are seen on the back of the head. The feet are bloodied from apparent nail wounds. In short, the wounds on the image of the Shroud conform to the story of Jesus' crucifixion as told in the Gospels. There are other visible marks. The Shroud has two long burn lines running down its whole length. It has fourteen triangle-shaped patches covering burn holes. There are also several diamond-shaped water marks. The cause of these marks is well known: The Shroud was once damaged in a fire in Chambery, France, in the year 1532. Finally, along one whole side, a strip of linen cloth has been sewn on." (Scavone, D.C., 1989, "The Shroud of Turin: Opposing Viewpoints," Greenhaven Press: San Diego CA, pp.6,8. Emphasis original).

"Measuring 14 ft. 3 in. long by 3 ft. 7 in. wide and known to exist since at least 1354 A.D., the Shroud might at first appear to be an odd object for the serious studies and debates which have characterized its most recent history. Caught in a fire in 1532 and almost destroyed by dripping molten silver, the Shroud survived with a twin series of burn marks down its entire length. Almost every destructive burn is mirrored by a similar one across from it, reminiscent of paper doll cutouts. But most compellingly, this cloth reveals the frontal and dorsal images of a man, the whole body of an apparent crucifixion victim. The double image, arranged head to head with the feet at opposite ends of the cloth, appears to have been created after being wrapped lengthwise around the dead body. The person apparently suffered wounds popularly associated with crucifixion-a pierced scalp; serious beatings in the face and down the length of the body, both front and back; pierced wrists and feet; and a larger wound in the side of the chest." (Stevenson, K.E. & Habermas, G.R., 1990, "The Shroud and the Controversy," Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nashville TN, pp.11-12).

"Shroud aficionados entering the Cathedral of John the Baptist in Turin are confronted, outside the Royal Chapel, with a full-size, colour photograph of the Turin Shroud. That will have to satisfy their curiosity. The shroud itself is stored, elaborately coffined, on an altar behind a triply locked iron grill in the cathedral's chapel. It is only displayed to the public on special occasions every forty years or so. The photograph shows an altogether impressive and beautiful stained linen cloth the colour of old ivory, 14' 3" long and 3' 7" wide. It bears the faint front and back imprint of a naked crucified man with hands folded modestly over his genitals. The image depicts all the stigmata of the crucifixion described in the Bible including a large blood stain from the spear wound in the side. The linen weave is a three to one herringbone twill. A seam or tuck divides the main body of the shroud from a 6" side strip of the same weave which runs almost the entire length of the cloth. A backing cloth of basket weave covering the entire back area of the shroud is exposed at both ends of this side strip where pieces of the side strip have either been removed or never existed. The most notable feature of the shroud is the sixteen patches that were applied symmetrically in pairs to the front of the shroud in 1534, two years after it was damaged in a fire that occurred in the chapel in Chambery, France, where the shroud was stored in a silver chest. Gouts of molten silver burned through the shroud, fortunately outside the image, in a symmetric fashion due to the way in which it was folded in the chest. The shroud was doused with water before the fire damage could spread to the image." (Gove, H.E. , 1996, "Relic, Icon or Hoax?: Carbon Dating the Turin Shroud," Institute of Physics Publishing: Bristol UK, p.1).

"The Shroud is in the form of a cloth strip, yellowish-white in colour, 4.37 metres long, 1.11 metres wide and 1.450 kg in weight. It shows, close to each other at the head, the front and rear imprint of the body of a man. From the archaeological standpoint, the Shroud is a burial-sheet, wrapped round a corpse on the table in the tomb where the body was laid. To forensic medical examination, the image of the body seems to be stiffened by rigor mortis, and reveals a whole series of wounds and injuries corresponding to those recounted in the Gospels as being inflicted on Jesus. Signs of flagellation over the whole body, small wounds in the scalp caused by a helmet of thorns, two torn areas in the left scapula zone and the right super-scapular zone, holes in the wrists and at the feet, which could be caused by the penetration of nails, and a wide injury caused by a steel weapon in the lower right rib region." (Cassanelli, A., 2002, "The Holy Shroud," Williams, B., transl., Gracewing: Leominster UK, p.15).

The next post in this series is part #10 "His death and burial matches the Gospels' description of that of Jesus Christ."

Stephen E. Jones, B.Sc., Grad. Dip. Ed.
My other blogs: CreationEvolutionDesign & Jesus is Jehovah!


  1. I received this private message from a Gio [surname suppressed] which, since it is my long-standing policy not to respond privately on matters that would be on-topic on one of my blogs, but respond publicly via that relevant blog, I have reposted it here (with some extra spacing) as a comment under my most recent post on the topic of the Shroud's blood:

    >On 16/06/2012 9:53 AM, Gio .. wrote:
    > Hi Mr. Jones,
    > I apologize for so often asking questions, but recently I found this blogpost on the bloodstains on the Shroud -
    > The essential claim of it is as follows:
    > There is not evidence of a spread-out blood spot that exists mainly in the lowest parts – the furrows- with at most a little on the highest part – the ridges.... If one looks beyond the immediate blood zones one sees that image intensity is indeed greatest on a parallel series of strands – that represent the high points so to speak. trace those same strands back to the blood zone, and one sees that the “blood” image is largely confined to those same strands. In other words, there is little or nothing to distinguish the blood from the surrounding skin, except for image intensity. That is hardly what one would expect, given that blood is a liquid that flows, and will tend to soak into all fabric, furrows included, unlike skin that is in a fixed layer.
    > And it goes on to conclude the bloodstains on the Shroud are not real blood. At first I thought that this was simply false - if my recollection is correct the bloodstains were confirmed to be real blood by chemical testing - but nevertheless this seems to be a sound objection, and one that has implications, as the article notes, on the claim that "'there is no image under bloodstains'".
    > Is the article accurate?
    > Thanks for your time,
    > -Gio

    See my response next.

    Stephen E. Jones

  2. Gio

    Thanks for your message (see above). But I have a long-standing policy not to reply to private messages that are a topic on one of my blogs but instead, if I do respond to that message, it will be publicly via that blog.

    To save me doing a more time-consuming search of my books on the topic of whether the blood on the Shroud has soaked through the linen, a quick Google search on "Shroud Turin blood soaked through" brought up:

    "The shroud is linen about three half by 14 and half feet long. It was not wound around the body like a mummy, it was laid on the flat stone, the body was placed on top of it, and the other half was brought over the head and down to the feet. Then it was tucked in around the body using many bags of spices. The image is just many defused smudges. A careful look at the smudges reveals the form of the body. The image can only be seen on one side. The backside shows no image, even when light is shown through the shroud. The only things that show are the blood marks, which have soaked through the cloth." (Gene Scott, "The Shroud: Old New Evidence," 3 April 2010).

    "The Shroud was folded double under the feet, and both layers were soaked through with fresh blood from the nail wound. This blood even soaked the opposite side of the Shroud, as the top half of the shroud was wrapped around the feet. So much blood flowed out of the soles of the feet that a total of three Shroud layers were soaked." (Helmut Felzmann, "World Mysteries: The Shroud of Turin," 2008).

    Also see the photo on Dan Porter's "The Bloodstain on the Shroud of Turin are from Real Blood" which refutes the claims that: 1) the blood is only on the "high points" and 2) there is no evidence on the Shroud that the blood has flowed.

    It should be remembered that since Jesus was dead on the Cross for between up to three hours between His death at about 3pm (Mk 15:34-37Mk 15:42-46) when He was taken down from the Cross and covered with the Shroud (given that sunset is about 7:19 PM in Jerusalem at the end of April), most of Jesus' life-blood would have dried on the Cross, and so it is mostly His post-mortem blood on the Shroud.

    Also, in the 19 centuries since, a lot of blood on the Shroud would have flaked off, as it was rolled up and unrolled innumerable times.

    As I was completing this I found on my system while searching on "underside" a few quotes which confirm that STURP found bloodstains on the underside of the Shroud, so I may now respond to your message in a separate post anyway, and include those quotes.

    Stephen E. Jones
    Comments are moderated. Those I consider off-topic, offensive or sub-standard will not appear. Each individual will usually be allowed only one comment under each post. Since I no longer debate, any response by me will usually be only once to each individual under each post. I reserve the right to respond to any comment as a separate blog post.
